
Showing posts with the label Sharing Knowledge

Ananse and the Pot of Wisdom

Ananse and the Pot of Wisdom - A Kids Story Ananse and the Pot of Wisdom Once upon a time, in a world where knowledge was scarce, there lived a spider named Ananse. He was a curious little creature, always eager to learn something new. One day, the God of heaven, Nyame, decided to reward Ananse for his inquisitive nature. He gifted him a clay pot filled with all the wisdom in the world. Ananse was overjoyed with his new possession. Every time he peered into the pot, he discovered something new and fascinating. But as time went by, he became greedy. He didn't want to share his newfound wisdom with anyone else. He decided to keep the pot hidden away from the rest of the world. He tied a rope around his waist and another around the pot of wisdom, which he then hung down in front of him. He began to climb a tall tree so that he could keep the pot out of reach from anyone else. However, as he was climbing, he found it difficult to carry the pot with him. So, he tied it to his back, a...