The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling The Ugly Duckling Long ago, on a farm, a mother duck was sitting on her nest. How long do I have to wait for my eggs to hatch? she asked. "I'm forced to sit here by myself! And nobody pays me a visit. What could she do, though? A mother duck is obligated to keep her eggs warm until they hatch. The eggs finally started to crack. Yellow ducklings emerged from their shells one by one. They quaked while flapping their wings. Mama Duck exclaimed, "Look at all of you!" with delight. "You all are very adorable!" They cried out, "Quack, quack!" Mama Duck exclaimed, "Look at all of you!" with delight. "You all are very adorable!" They cried out, "Quack, quack!" Come line up, Mama Duck said. We'll head to the lake so you may take your first swim. She numbered from one to five: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Oh no, she exclaimed. I really ought to have six ducklings! However, the nest still contained one big egg....