The Cheetah and the Lazy Hunter

The Cheetah and the Lazy Hunter - A Traditional Zulu Story The Cheetah and the Lazy Hunter Long ago, in a land where time was still young, there lived a lazy hunter. He spent most of his days lying beneath the shade of a bowbob tree, dreaming of his next meal. He wished for a way to get food without having to go out hunting. He didn't want to move from his comfortable spot, but he longed to taste the flesh of a springbok grazing in the nearby field. One day, as he was lounging in the shade, he saw a cheetah attack a springbok. The cheetah dragged the dead animal to a shaded clearing where three cubs were waiting. The hunter's heart filled with envy as he watched the cheetah feed her cubs. Then he got an idea - an awful, rotten idea. He would steal one of the cheetah cubs and never go hungry again. That night, the hunter crept up to where the cheetah and her cubs were resting. The mother cheetah had gone out to the watering hole, leaving her cubs behind. The hunter ...