
Showing posts with the label reputation

The King's Hastiness and the Chicken Mystery

The King's Hastiness and the Chicken Mystery The King's Hastiness and the Chicken Mystery King Rudranath was a just ruler who was respected for his impartiality and fairness. He was confronted one day by two men who were fighting. They were asked to explain their situation by the King. Nathu, the first man, said that Meshu, his neighbor, had stolen his chicken. In the afternoon, Nathu discovered one of his chickens missing and limping. Nathu claimed that Meshu had expressed his hunger when he saw Nathu's chickens that morning. Nathu was certain that Meshu was the one who had taken the chicken and eaten it for lunch. Meshu, on the other hand, vehemently refuted the claim. He asserted that Nathu was innocent and was lying. Meshu was imprisoned without Meshu being given a chance to explain by the King, who was getting impatient. Shabir, the Prime Minister, was concerned about something. Instead of simply believing Nathu's words, he thought the King should have ordered ...