The Mice That Ate Iron: A Tale of Deception and Retribution

The Mice That Ate Iron: A Tale of Deception and Retribution Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a wealthy merchant named Nami. He had a friend named Bindo who was known for his cunning ways. As fate would have it, Nami's business suffered a great loss, and he had to sell all his belongings to pay off his debts. All that he was left with was a heavy iron beam, which he decided to entrust to Bindo before leaving the village in search of new opportunities. Years went by, and Nami's hard work and perseverance paid off. He made a fortune in the spice trade and decided to return to his village. As he had promised Bindo, he went to his friend's house to collect his iron beam. Bindo, who had heard of Nami's newfound wealth, had other plans. He had no intention of returning the iron beam as he knew it would fetch him a good price. So, he put on a sad face and lied to Nami, saying that the mice had eaten the iron beam. Nami knew that Bindo was lying, but he didn...