
Showing posts with the label advice

Think Before You Act: A Lesson from Udhata

Think Before You Act: A Lesson from Udhata Think Before You Act: A Lesson from Udhata Once upon a time, a local fisherman's donkey by the name of Udhata suffered from persistent starvation. He made the decision to set out in quest of food with his jackal friend. Nighttime exploration of the settlement by the two brought them to a field of cucumbers. After devouring the cucumbers together, they both made the decision to return every night to eat. As a result of the nourishing meals he was consuming, Udhata soon began to seem more healthier and stronger. Udhata insisted on singing one night after an especially excellent supper of cucumbers. The jackal warned him against it, but the donkey was obstinate and wouldn't heed his advice. Udhata was even reprimanded by the jackal for having an unpleasant voice, but the donkey disregarded the criticism and insisted that there was nothing wrong with him expressing his gladness. Udhata was forewarned by the j...