
Showing posts with the label The Lion Makers

The Lion Makers: A Tale of Arrogance and Fear

The Lion Makers: A Tale of Arrogance and Fear The Lion Makers: A Tale of Arrogance and Fear Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived four friends who knew each other since they were very young. Three of the friends were very learned and were convinced that they had learned everything there was to learn. The fourth friend was not very good at studies and had become a farmer. Despite their differences, the friends were still close to each other. One day, the three learned friends came up with a plan to use their knowledge to earn lots of money. They decided to travel together to different kingdoms and earn the favour of all the kings with their intelligence. They asked the fourth friend to join them, and he readily agreed. On the day of the journey, the friends set out early in the morning. They decided to cross a dense forest on their way to the kingdom, despite knowing the danger of wild animals. Suddenly, they came across the bones of a dead animal lying...