The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling 

Long ago, on a farm, a mother duck was sitting on her nest. How long do I have to wait for my eggs to hatch? she asked. "I'm forced to sit here by myself! And nobody pays me a visit. What could she do, though? A mother duck is obligated to keep her eggs warm until they hatch.

The eggs finally started to crack.

Yellow ducklings emerged from their shells one by one.

They quaked while flapping their wings.

Mama Duck exclaimed, "Look at all of you!" with delight.

"You all are very adorable!"

They cried out, "Quack, quack!"

Mama Duck exclaimed, "Look at all of you!" with delight. "You all are very adorable!"

They cried out, "Quack, quack!"

Come line up, Mama Duck said.

We'll head to the lake so you may take your first swim.

She numbered from one to five: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Oh no, she exclaimed. I really ought to have six ducklings!

However, the nest still contained one big egg. Mama Duck observed, "Well, it seems like that enormous egg will require longer time." She was forced to wait some longer while returning to her nest.

The large egg started to hatch the following day. A newborn boy bird emerged. However, if I may add, it had a strange appearance. Greater in size than other birds was this one. He wasn't yellow at all; instead, he was a dark grey colour from head to toe. He also walked strangely wobbly.

A yellow duckling made a pointing gesture.

What's THAT? He can't be among us, can he?

Another person exclaimed, "I've never seen such an ugly duckling!"

Mama Duck sounded stern, "How can you say such a thing? You've only been alive for one day! Just like you, your brother too emerged from the same nest. Line up now. We'll head to the lake so you may take your first swim.

However, the rest of the ducklings cluckingly said, "Ugly! Ugly! Ugly!" The other ducklings were screaming at the Ugly Duckling, but he had no idea why. The last place in line was taken by him.

Jumping into the water, every yellow duck swam close to Mama Duck. The Ugly Duckling jumped in and began to paddle when it was his turn.

He can swim, at least, Mama Duck thought to herself.

The Ugly Duckling tried to play with his siblings when they began to play after leaving the water.

"Go away!" they shouted. We won't play games with you! You look awful. You also walk strangely.

She wouldn't permit them to speak in this manner when Mama Duck was nearby. She would reprimand, "Be kind! However, she wasn't constantly nearby.

One day, the Ugly Duckling heard one of the yellow ducklings say, "You know what?

If you would just leave, you would be doing us a great service! They all began to call out, "Get out! Get away! Get away!

The Ugly Duckling asked himself, "Why won't they let me stay here?"

His head was hung low. They are correct, I see. I should leave.

The ugly duckling jumped the farmyard fence that evening.

He took to the air and landed on the opposite side of the lake.

He encountered two adult ducks there.

The Ugly Duckling asked, "Can I please stay here for a little while?" "I have to be somewhere else,"

One of the ducks remarked, "What do we care?

Just keep out of the path.

Woof, Woof

A large, ravenous dog suddenly sprinted by and started pursuing the two ducks.

Their feathers rapidly dropped to the ground as they quickly rose into the air.

Afraid, the poor ugly duckling froze. The Ugly Duckling was repeatedly sniffed by the dog before it turned away. The Ugly Duckling lowered his head down and declared, "I am too ugly even for the large hungry dog to want."

The sky grew gloomy.


a lightning strike.

Then a large storm arrived, bringing with it torrential rain.

The ugly duckling was completely wet in a matter of seconds. A chilly wind then began to blow.

He clasped both wings close to his chest and exclaimed, "Brrr!"

If only I could find a spot to dry off.

A little light suddenly flashed in the distance in the woods.

Could it possibly be a hut?

He took off towards the door.

The ugly duckling quacked.

The hut's door squeaked open.

An elderly woman asked, gazing left and right, "What is all this noise?"

Her vision wasn't all that excellent. She then turned her gaze downward. Ah, it's a duck, look at that! The Ugly Duckling was taken up by her and placed inside her hut. Only if you lay eggs are you allowed to stay here.

A hen and a tomcat snuck up to the ugly duckling. The tomcat yelled, "Who do you think you are, coming in here and taking up space by the fire!

Squawk, the fowl exclaimed.

I don't need any more people laying eggs in this cabin.

Do not be concerned about that, the Ugly Duckling said.

I'm a young duck.

The tomcat asked, "Then why are you still here?"

Did you miss what the elderly lady said?

The hen clacked, "Get out of here, impostor!"

"Leave now!

The tomcat snarled, "Get out!"

Our poor Ugly Duckling slipped out the door and back into the storm since it was still slightly ajar.

The Ugly Duckling stated, "No one ever wants me," with a tear in his eye.

Storm abated.

He soon came across a fresh lake.

The Ugly Duckling turned to look into the water and noticed the reflection of a flying group of big white birds.

When he turned to gaze up, he was astounded by what he saw. The most stunning birds he had ever seen were up there, over him. Their delicate necks and long, white bodies appeared to float through the sky. He kept watching until the last bird flew out of sight.

Time passed while he remained by himself at the lake. The trees' leaves turned a rich scarlet and gold before disintegrating and falling to the ground. Winter arrived, covering everything in a fresh layer of snow. The Ugly Duckling was made even more miserable by the chilly wind and the ominous skies.

He had to fish in the freezing lake, but swimming was becoming more difficult. Ice was forming on the lake. One day, all he could do to prevent the lake from freezing over and encasing him was paddle the water.

He was paddling hard and saying, "I am so exhausted!"

The ice thickened and approached him closer.

Two enormous hands scooped him up in an instant. You wretched thing, the farmer exclaimed. He brought the ugly duckling to his house while keeping it close to him in his heavy wool coat.

A cosy fireplace has never been more appreciated!

The farmer took care of the Ugly Duckling for the remainder of the winter.

Next, spring arrived. The trees were covered in green tips. Short, vivid blooms suddenly emerged out of the earth.

The farmer advised her to resume swimming in the lake because she was born to do so.

He carefully placed the duckling on the water after returning the duckling to the lake where he had first seen him.

The juvenile bird flailed his wings and exclaimed, "Gosh, I feel strong." Why, I've never felt stronger than I do now!

He turned around as he heard soft splashing sounds behind him.

The same flock of stunning birds that he had previously seen in the sky came to rest behind him on the river.

He extended one wing to them and said, "Do not be alarmed.

"Let me leave now. I won't cause you any trouble. His cheek was covered in a large, massive rip. As he turned to leave, When he opened his eyes, he noticed one of those stunning white birds reflected in the lake. What made it so near to him? He backed away. And the reflection also jerked back.

He asked, "What is this? " He stretched his neck, and the gorgeous bird's reflection did the same.

One of the lovely birds asked, "Why are you leaving so soon?"

Another exclaimed, "Stay here, with us!"

"We'll get along fine."

The once ugly duckling bird then realised what had transpired!

He was no longer a drab, grey bird with a wobbly gait.

All of the swans suddenly flailed their wings and flew into the sky. One echoed, "Come with us. "Show the way!" He quickly fluttered his wings and took a position in front of the entire flock. Behind him, all of his new buddies flapped their wings.

He yelled, "Say!" as he rushed along, gliding and dipping into the air.

"Now, who's the ugly duckling? Obviously not me!


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