The Tortoise, the Dog, and the Farmer: Learning Not to Steal

The Tortoise, the Dog, and the Farmer: Learning Not to Steal - A Nigerian Folk Tale

The Tortoise, the Dog, and the Farmer: Learning Not to Steal

The Tortoise, the Dog, and the Farmer

In the animal kingdom of Nigeria, there was a terrible famine once upon a time. The animals were starving, becoming thin and unhealthy as a result of the prolonged dry season and the absence of rain. The Tortoise noticed that, despite the famine, his friend the Dog was still looking fit and well-fed among them. He decided to inquire after becoming curious about the Dog's well-being's secret.

The Tortoise told the Dog, "Hey, my good friend," that they had been friends for a long time. If it's not too much trouble, let me know the mystery of your blushing cheeks and your swelling stomach regardless of the starvation. I need to know so I don't starve to death."

The Canine answered, "There is no confidential to it, my old buddy. The result of all of my labor has been success." However, the Tortoise was unconvinced and decided to conduct additional research.

The following day, he hid behind a tree and followed the dog as he left his house early in the morning carrying a basket. The Turtle followed him the whole way to the adjoining town, where the Canine went to a homestead, ensured he was distant from everyone else, and started collecting sweet potatoes off the ranch into his bushel.

When the Tortoise saw his friend stealing from another person's farm, he was shocked. The Dog was taken aback that his friend would go to such lengths to uncover his secret when he announced his presence. Nevertheless, he had no choice but to admit his terrible theft.

Despite this, the Tortoise continued to visit the farm on a daily basis and consume more yams each time, to the point where the Dog became concerned about their consumption. The tortoise ignored his warnings to curb its excessive avarice and kept taking more.

The Dog informed them one day as they were leaving the farm that they needed to leave early in order to avoid the farmer. The Dog, however, left the Tortoise behind when he begged for more time to harvest the yams.

The Dog remained absent for several hours. The Dog didn't listen when the Tortoise realized he couldn't carry his basket on his own and yelled for assistance. The farmer eventually found the Tortoise and gave him to the king's men along with a basket of yams. The tortoise was caught and put to death for his deed.

The Dog realized how unfair his actions had been toward the farmer and felt bad for what had happened to his friend. To avoid getting into trouble, he made the decision never to take anything that did not belong to him again.

The Tortoise learned a valuable lesson about greed and taking things that don't belong to him, and the Dog became known as an honest and trustworthy animal from that point on. He also learned that being honest and working hard pay off in the long run, and that it's better to have a little than to risk losing everything if you're too greedy.

This Nigerian folk tale teaches us the value of honesty, hard work, and respecting the property of others. Additionally, it cautions against greed and taking what is not ours because doing so can ultimately result in trouble and punishment.


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