The Power of Intelligence over Strength

Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, there lived a clever monkey named Kapi. One day, while out for a stroll, Kapi came across a pond where a crocodile named Gaja lived. Gaja was known to be very greedy and often ate the animals that came to drink water from the pond.

Kapi, being clever, had a plan to outsmart Gaja. He approached Gaja and said, "Oh Gaja, I have heard that you are very wise and have great knowledge. I was wondering if you could tell me a story."

Gaja, pleased with the compliment, began to tell a story. As he was speaking, Kapi slowly crept closer and closer to Gaja's mouth. Gaja, so engrossed in his storytelling, did not notice Kapi's actions.

Just as Gaja was about to finish his story, Kapi quickly jumped into Gaja's mouth and made his way to the back of his throat. Gaja, shocked and startled, began to cough and choke, trying to get Kapi out of his mouth.

Kapi, still clever, said, "Oh Gaja, if you want me to leave, you must promise to never again eat any of the animals that come to drink from this pond."

Gaja, desperate to get Kapi out of his throat, agreed to the monkey's terms. Kapi then safely made his way out of Gaja's mouth and back to the jungle.

From that day on, Gaja kept his promise and never again ate any of the animals that came to drink from the pond. The other animals in the jungle were very happy and thanked Kapi for his clever plan.

Moral of the story: "Cleverness is more powerful than strength."


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