The Sky is Falling: A Chicken Little Story

The Sky is Falling: A Chicken Little Story

Let me tell you a story about a chicken. His name is Chicken Little. Chicken Little lives in a normal little chicken house in a normal little town. He is neither tall nor short. He is neither fat nor thin. He is neither smart nor stupid. 

Chicken Little is a completely normal chicken. One completely normal morning, Chicken Little is breakfasting in the kitchen. He likes toast with butter and coffee with cream. He is reading the news. He sees a terrifying story with a terrifying headline. 

It says: THE SKY IS FALLING! He is so scared that he drops his toast into his coffee. Plop! "The sky is falling! THE SKY IS FALLING!" shouts Chicken Little. "I have to warn everyone!" First, he emails the story to one-thousand of his closest friends.

Then runs down the road to warn everyone else. The first person he meets on the road is Hen Martina. She is coming from the supermarket. "Good morning, Chicken Little!" says Hen Martina. "Where are you going? Why are you so scared?" "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" says Chicken Little. "Really? How do you know?" asks Hen Martina. "I saw it on the internet!" says Chicken Little. "Holy moly! It must be true!" says Hen Martina. "Let's go!" And Chicken Little and Hen Martina run down the road towards the pond. 

When they reach the pond, they meet Duck Renato. He is having a bath. "Hi guys!" says Duck Renato. "Where are you going? Why are you so scared?" "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" say Chicken Little and Hen Martina. "Really? How do you know?" asks Duck Renato. "I saw it on the internet!" says Chicken Little. "Oh no! It must be true!" says Duck Renato. "Let’s go!" So Chicken Little, Hen Martina and Duck Renato run down the road towards the farm. 

When they reach the farm they meet Goose Ignacio. He is reading poetry to Pigeon Rita. "Hello everyone!" says Goose Ignacio. "Where are you going? Why are you so scared?" "The sky is falling. THE SKY IS FALLING!" everyone yells. "Really? How do you know?" asks Pigeon Rita. "WE SAW IT ON THE INTERNET!" they all say. 

"Goodness gracious! It must be true!" says Goose Ignacio. "There is no time to read poetry now. Let's go!" And Chicken Little, Hen Martina, Duck Renato, Goose Ignacio and Pigeon Rita run down the road towards the town. On the main street, they meet Fox Berto. 

He is sitting at a cafe, writing on his laptop. "Hello everyone!" says Fox Berto. "Where are you going? Why are you so scared?" "THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKYYYY IS FAAAAALLING!" everyone yells. "Really? How do you know?" asks the fox. "WE SAW IT ON THE INTERNET" they all shout. "Wow! Well then it must be true!" says the fox. "But don’t worry, friends, I know the perfect place to hide. 

Follow me!" Fox Berto leads everyone: They walk down the road, across streets, through the field and arrive at a hill. At the top of the hill is a big, dark cave. "Come in! Come in!" says Fox Berto. "There is space for everybody! The sky won't fall on us here. We are safe." And so, one by one, Chicken Little and all of his friends follow the fox into the cave. 

The next morning, the cave is empty. Chicken Little and his friends are no longer there. Where did they go? We don't know exactly. But I'll tell you one thing: Fox Berto is very happy. He has a big, round belly. "Silly animals," says Fox Berto. He sits under a tree, gets his computer, and begins to write again.


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