The Four Friends' Great Rescue

The Four Friends' Great Rescue

Once upon a time, in a forest far away, there were four friends: a deer, a crow, a mole, and a tortoise. Every afternoon, they would meet under a big tree and chat for hours.

The other three friends were concerned when the deer failed to appear one day at the scheduled hour. They requested the crow to swoop around and check on the location of the deer. The deer was concealed from view in a hunter's net when the crow discovered it. The deer told the crow that he was trapped and that it was only a matter of time before the hunter arrived to catch him.

The mole and tortoise were informed of the situation as the crow swiftly returned to the banyan tree. The mole then proposed that they both assist the deer, with the crow going with them. The crow flew to the area where the deer was imprisoned while carrying the mole in her mouth.

The mole then cut through the net with his razor-sharp canines, freeing the deer. By that time, the tortoise had also arrived at the location, and as they were about to move on, the shooter showed up. The crow took off, the mole dug a hole to conceal in, and the deer bolted off. The hunter chose to capture the tortoise and use him to prepare soup at home because he was too slow to flee.

The tortoise grinned as his companions approached to save him in the background. The hunter set the tortoise down and ran towards the deer, leaving the tortoise behind. The mole swiftly severed the cord that was holding the tortoise in place, releasing it. The turtle then hurriedly moved in the direction of the lake after the mole instructed him to do so.

The crow gave the signal by cawing loudly, informing the deer that it was okay to flee, just as the hunter was about to approach the deer. The hunter had no hope of catching the deer because he ran away. The shooter discovered that the tortoise had also vanished when he turned around.

The four friends immediately returned to the banyan tree where the tortoise expressed gratitude to them for saving his life. The deer then assured the tortoise that as long as they assisted one another, they would always be safe and that they didn't need anyone's gratitude.

In summary, the story "The Four Friends" is about the importance of friendship and assisting each other. Even though the animals were distinct from one another, they were still able to band together and aid one another when necessary. 


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