The Wise Hare and the Arrogant Lion

The Wise Hare and the Arrogant Lion

A lion that was the king of the jungle once resided in a lush, green jungle. All the animals in the jungle dreaded him because he was the strongest of them all. No animal ventured to cross his path as he frequently went hunting to sate his hunger.

The lion monarch was extremely hungry one day as the sun shone brightly overhead. There was no sign of any food, though. Because an animal would approach the lion every day and offer itself as food, this had never occurred before. The forest creatures had contracted with the lion. To prevent the lion from hunting them all down and killing them, they would dispatch the lion one animal each day to eat.

But on this particular day, the lion was growing agitated and restless. He saw a rabbit coming towards him at that precise moment. The animal did not like it. He believed that the hare was too tiny to satisfy his hunger. He questioned the hare why he was late while growling at him.

The hare apologised and explained that a new lion in the jungle had delayed him by questioning the lion king's power. In a rage, the lion wanted to know everything about this new lion. Then, the hare informed the lion that the young lion had belittled him and declared himself to be the new ruler of the forest.

The lion was committed to confronting this pretender and demonstrating to him who the legitimate monarch was. The rabbit cautioned him against leaving, but the lion was too arrogant to heed his advice. Following that, the hare guided the lion to a well while whispering that the other lion resided there.

The stupid lion glanced into the well and caught a glimpse of himself. He bellowed, inviting him to a duel, thinking it was the other lion. To confront his foe, he dove into the well, but when he hit his head on the bottom, he died immediately.

The hare gave them a bow as the other animals, who had been lurking behind the bushes, emerged and applauded. The hare had deceived the lion and helped many creatures escape death. The hare gained a reputation as the most intelligent mammal in the jungle starting that very day.

The lesson of the tale is that arrogance precedes disgrace. Never underestimate the value of your own reflection, and never be too proud to listen to other people's counsel.


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