The Drum and the Misunderstood Fox

The Drum and the Misunderstood Fox

The Drum and the Misunderstood Fox

Chinke the fox lived in a vast forest filled with all kinds of animals. While many animals preferred to live with their families or in groups, Chinke enjoyed her solitude. She was brave, or at least she thought so. The forest was enormous, and there was always something new to discover. Chinke would go on adventures every week, discovering streams, hills, and lakes that she had never seen before. Today was no exception.

As she was exploring a new part of the forest, she heard a loud noise.

“Boom!” The sound echoed through the forest, causing Chinke's fur to stand on end. It was a sound that she had never heard before. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should investigate or run away. But she was also very hungry and had not eaten for days. The noise might lead her to food. So, she decided to follow it.

She hid behind a bush and listened carefully. “Boom!” The sound came from her right. She crouched low and followed the noise. Every time she heard it, she grew closer. Fear was making her stomach churn.

At last, she saw the creature that was making the sound. It was a large cylinder resting against a tree, without any legs. Chinke would have thought it was an object, not an animal. But when the branches of the tree hit the cylinder, it made a loud noise, “Boom!”

Chinke was convinced that this was a powerful animal. She approached it cautiously. The creature didn't move. She licked her lips. "This animal can't move, and look at how loud it is. It must be full of food!" she thought.

She stood in front of the creature and lunged at it. The fight was brief. Chinke clawed at the skin until she made a hole. The creature stopped making any noise, and Chinke assumed it was dead. She looked inside the hole she had made, and to her surprise, she found nothing. The creature was hollow. There was no food to eat.

Despite that, Chinke felt victorious. She had defeated such a mighty enemy. "Ha!" she shouted at the creature's corpse.

A parrot was watching from a tree and let out a loud laugh. Chinke suddenly stopped and looked up. "Why are you laughing, Master Parrot?" she asked.

"That creature you killed is called a drum! Humans beat it to make loud noises. Many years ago, a great battle was fought on this spot, and the soldiers left it behind. You thought you had killed it and were searching for food," said the parrot.

Chinke looked at the parrot and then at the torn-up drum. She, too, started laughing loudly. The parrot was confused. "Why are you laughing, young fox?"

"Well, I learned a valuable lesson. Not everything that makes a loud sound is filled with stuff! I am going to be less afraid of the forest from now on," said Chinke, turning to leave in search of food.

As she walked away, she realized that she had been foolish to assume that everything that made a loud noise was dangerous. The forest was full of wonders, and she needed to be more careful in her explorations. Nevertheless, she was still proud of herself for defeating a mighty creature, even if it turned out to be just a drum.


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