The Elephant and the Sparrow: A Tale of Revenge

The Elephant and the Sparrow - A Heartwarming Kids' Story
The Elephant and the Sparrow: A Tale of Revenge

The Elephant and the Sparrow

Once upon a time, in a lush jungle, there lived a happy couple of sparrows. They had built their nest on top of a massive tree, where they could enjoy the beautiful view of the jungle. One day, the female sparrow laid her eggs in the nest, and they eagerly awaited the arrival of their newborns.

However, one hot summer day, an elephant went on a rampage, crashing into all the trees in his path. Unfortunately, the tree that supported the sparrow couple's nest was in his way, and he broke its branches, causing the nest to fall and shatter all the eggs. Although the sparrows managed to fly away, they were heartbroken to see that they had lost their babies. The female sparrow began to cry and wail loudly.

A kind-hearted woodpecker, who was nearby, heard her cries and went to her. "Dear sparrow," he said, "There's no point in crying. What's meant to be will be."

The female sparrow replied, "I know that, but all my children were killed by that wicked elephant. We didn't do anything to him."

"If you want revenge," said the woodpecker, "I know a fly who can help us. Let's go and meet her."

So the woodpecker and the female sparrow went to see the fly. The woodpecker explained the situation to her, and she said, "I have a frog friend who can help us. Let's go and see him."

Together, the three animals went to see the frog and explained their plight. The old frog listened carefully and said, "The elephant is big, but he is alone. What can he do if we all work together to destroy him? I have a plan."

The frog explained his plan, "Fly, when the sun is at its hottest, your task would be to buzz in his ears. When he closes his eyes in sheer ecstasy, the woodpecker's task would be to peck his eyes and make him blind. In this scorching summer, he will certainly search for water, but being blinded already he will not be able to do so. I will then sit on the edge of the nearby pit and croak at the top of my voice. When the thirsty elephant hears me, he will think there is a pond or lake nearby and follow my voice. And when he does so, he will fall into the pit and perish. This way, we can avenge the death of the sparrow's children!"

The other animals agreed to the plan, and they all worked together to carry out their part of the plan. The fly buzzed in the elephant's ears, and the woodpecker pecked his eyes, blinding him. The elephant was thirsty and started searching for water, but he couldn't find any. Meanwhile, the frog sat near a muddy pit and croaked loudly. The elephant heard the sound and followed it, but he couldn't see where he was going. He fell into the pit and perished.

The sparrows were overjoyed that their enemies had been avenged. They realized that they were not alone and that other animals could help them in times of need. The woodpecker, fly, and frog had proved that even the lowliest creatures could achieve great things if they worked together.

The wise say that revenge is never the answer, but in this case, the animals had sought justice for the harm done to them. They had worked together and achieved their goal, but they had also learned that teamwork was essential to achieving their objectives. The sparrow couple learned to rely on their animal friends, and the woodpecker, fly, and frog had


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