The King's Faith in Lord Vishnu

The King's Faith in Lord Vishnu

The King of Vishalanagar, the father of Princess Srimati, was seated in the royal court. A messenger had been sent by the neighboring king to demand a tribute. War would ensue if the King did not pay the tribute. The King seemed concerned. The king in the next town had a lot of power. They would overcome Vishalnagar's armies head-on.

A soldier rushed into court at that very moment. He apologized for the intrusion and bowed to the king. However, this is a pressing issue. Can we talk privately?”

The security of Princess Srimati was the responsibility of this soldier. The King was quick to agree. The soldier said, "My Lord, when the two of them were alone. I have concerning news. I've learned that a stranger comes every night to Princess Srimati's room.

"How, then, does this man get into her room?" Aren't soldiers stationed at every entrance? The angry King asked.

“We do. However, this man approaches on a bird."

The king was taken aback. Tonight, let's catch him. We will enter the room and capture him as soon as this man flies in on this bird.

The weaver went into Srimati's room as usual that night. The soldiers, the King and Queen, and he rushed in as soon as he entered. The weaver and Srimati both shuddered in terror.

Srimati: "Who is this man?" The king yelled.

The Princess slowly shared everything with her parents, including how she had tied the knot with Lord Vishnu.

The King and Queen fell at his feet when they learned that their son-in-law was Lord Vishnu. The weaver had no choice but to act like Lord Vishnu because he was uncomfortable.

The next day, the King sent a messenger to the neighboring king. Inform your king that Vishalnagar will not pay tribute to him. If he wants, he can arrive with an army!

Surprised everyone in the courtroom. “Can our army win this battle?” she asked the King as she turned to face him.

The King gave everyone a loud grin and spoke. When Lord Vishnu is our son-in-law, we can defeat all of our enemies.

The neighboring king quickly made his way to Vishalnagar's gates, ready to fight. He didn't think Lord Vishnu existed on Earth. He would soon destroy Vishalnagar's army.

The weaver was being prepped for battle by the King and Queen within the city gates. The weaver was feeling stuck. The carpenter, his friend, came to see him.

A weaver cannot wage war. The carpenter advised, "It is preferable that you depart on the bird with Princess Srimati."

"No, my buddy. Shame would kill me. The weaver replied, "At least I can die a hero if I go to the battlefield."

In the meantime, the real Garuda flew to Vaikuntha, Lord Vishnu's home. He told him about the weaver who was acting like Lord Vishnu and how he was riding a fake bird to battle.

"My Lord, everyone will believe that the king has defeated Lord Vishnu himself if this weaver is killed. That cannot take place.

“ Lord Vishnu chuckled. So, you're worried that we'll appear weak? Be at ease, friend. Everything will work out fine.

The weaver boarded the mechanical bird the following morning, armored. In Vishalnagar, nobody was concerned. The conflict seemed to have been won by all.

Over the city walls, the weaver flew in the direction of the army. He prayed with his eyes closed, asking Lord Vishnu to protect the people of Vishalnagar. He prayed that the king over there would be rational. He prayed for victory in the conflict.

The weaver felt an odd strength as soon as he opened his eyes. His hair was blown by the wind. He couldn't lose anything. He yelled out a great deal.

The opposing army became terrified upon hearing the roar. However, they were even more terrified of their king. As the bird got closer, they stood grimly.

The weaver wanted to fly high above the army, away from their swords and arrows. The bird suddenly jerked. There was a problem. The gear was jammed. No longer were the wings flapping. Crashing was the bird. Additionally, it was bound for the opposing armies.

As the mechanical Garuda sped straight at the soldiers, the soldiers became panicked. As the mechanical Garuda fell to the ground, they started stumbling around.

When the weaver got up from the ground, dust was everywhere. The army vanished after the fighting had ended. A hero's welcome was extended to the weaver as he returned to the city.

He admitted everything after touching the King's feet. The weaver's true identity surprised the King. However, he thanked him for driving the adversary away. He performed a blessing on the weaver and his daughter prior to their once-in-a-lifetime ceremony of marriage.


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