The Lonely Crocodile Finds Friends

The Lonely Crocodile Finds Friends

The Lonely Crocodile Finds Friends

The reptile Coku was feeling isolated. He had spent the entire day swimming in the river without coming across anyone to play with. He saw the elephant Gaj moving towards the stream as he was lying on a rock. It'd be enjoyable to play with him, Coku thought to himself.

Gaj waded into the creek to cool off and began splashing water on his back. He suddenly felt someone pull him into the ocean by grabbing his leg. He attempted to back away but was unsuccessful. He began yelling, "Help! Help!" as soon as he noticed Coku pulling him further under the water.

Gaj was screaming, which caught Coku off guard. All he wanted was to play with him. He couldn't comprehend Gaj's fear.

The chimpanzee, named Monu, was observing the action from a nearby mango tree. He saw that Gaj was in difficulty and knew he had to assist. He reached into his pocket and threw Coku a large mango.

Coku jumped to catch the mango when he saw it flying in his direction. He'd always wanted to try a mango, but he wasn't as adept at climbing trees as Monu. He was overjoyed to have one in his jaws at last.

Gaj quickly stepped away from the stream and nodded at Monu before continuing on his way after being relieved that Coku had released his hold on his leg.

Coku was eating the mango as Monu watched. Do you desire another one? he inquired.

Coku reflected on his wife, who shared his love of mangoes. As soon as he nodded, Monu threw another mango his way. Coku caught it and began swimming towards his house while grinning widely.

From that moment on, Coku and Monu grew close. Coku and Monu would frequently engage in river play as they threw each other mangoes. Gaj and Coku became pals, and they frequently met at the stream to play and cool off.

Coku discovered a valuable lesson that day. He understood that what he perceived as playful amusement might be frightening to others. He gained the ability to be more cautious and sensitive to his friends' feelings. He received two new friends in return who accepted him for who he was.


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