The Story of the Blue Jackal

The Story of the Blue Jackal - A Kids' Story

The Story of the Blue Jackal

The Story of the Blue Jackal

Once upon a time, there lived a clever and cunning lomda (jackal) in the heart of the forest. He was always hungry and looking for ways to satisfy his hunger. One day, he wandered into a nearby village in search of food.

The villagers saw the lomda and chased him away, throwing stones at him. The lomda ran as fast as he could, trying to escape from the angry villagers. He ran into a house that belonged to a dyer. The dyer had left a big vat of blue dye outside his house. The lomda jumped into the vat, hoping to hide from the villagers.

When he came out of the vat, his entire body was dyed blue. He no longer looked like a lomda. He looked like a strange and unknown animal.

The lomda thought that this could be an opportunity for him. He could use this disguise to trick other animals in the forest. So, he went back to the forest, pretending to be a new and powerful animal. When the other animals saw him, they ran away in fear, thinking that he was a dangerous new animal.

The lomda realized that this was his chance to become the king of the forest. He gathered all the animals and told them that he had been sent by the gods to protect them. He said that he had been crowned the king of all three worlds, and that all the animals in the forest were now under his protection.

The animals were impressed by the lomda's words and accepted him as their new king. They served him with all their heart, and the lomda became the most powerful animal in the forest. He ordered the lions and tigers to hunt for prey and bring it to him. He would then distribute the food amongst the other animals, and himself.

However, the lomda was always afraid of being discovered. He did not want the other animals to find out that he was just a cunning jackal. So, he chased away all the other jackales in the forest. He did not want to be recognized by any of them.

One day, while the lomda was sleeping, a group of jackals came into the forest. They started howling, and the lomda woke up. He was filled with tears of joy, hearing the howls of his fellow jackals. He could not resist his natural instinct and started howling like a jackal.

The other animals were shocked and realized that the lomda was just a cunning jackal in disguise. They were angry at him for deceiving them and treating them with scorn. They decided to punish the lomda for his misdeeds.

The animals chased the lomda and caught him. They severely beat him for his deception. The lomda realized that he had made a grave mistake, and that one who treats his own people with scorn shall surely suffer a bitter end.

From that day on, the animals of the forest learned to be cautious and not to trust anyone blindly. They realized that it is important to judge someone by their actions and not just their words. The lomda's deception taught them an important lesson that they would never forget. 


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