The Greedy Bird

The Greedy Bird - A Moral Kids Story

The Greedy Bird

The Greedy Bird

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there was a flock of birds that resided on the trees near a serene lake. The birds had a wise queen who ruled them with an iron fist. Every morning, the queen would divide the birds into groups and send them in different directions to find food for the flock. Each bird worked equally hard all day long to ensure the survival of the flock.

Whenever a bird found food, she would promptly bring it back to the nest where the queen bird lived. If the food was too much for one bird to carry alone, she would inform the whole group, and they would carry it back to the nest together. Every evening, the queen bird would divide the food equally among all the birds, ensuring that no bird went hungry.

One day, a young bird discovered a village where she saw many bullock carts carrying sacks of food grains from the fields to the nearby market. As the carts moved, she noticed that a lot of grains were falling on the road. The young bird's heart swelled with greed, and she thought to herself, “Every day, I fly far and wide in search of food. Maybe God has rewarded me with such an abundant supply of food. These grains belong to me, and I should not share them with anyone else."

She immediately flew back to the nest and met the queen bird. She told the queen about the village and warned her that it was too dangerous for any bird to go in that direction because there were many carts on the road that could crush them. The queen, trusting the young bird, called all the birds together and warned them not to go in the direction of the village.

The young bird was ecstatic that all the food on the village road now belonged to her. She would secretly fly in that direction every day and gorge on the fresh food grains alone. She no longer had to work hard in search of food and had plenty to eat without much effort.

As days went by, the young bird became very fat and lost her agility. She became complacent and stopped flying as often as she used to. One day, while she was busy pecking at the grains, she didn't notice an oncoming cart. The bullock cart crushed her under its wheels, and the greedy bird lay dead on the village road.

The rest of the flock searched for the young bird when she didn't return to the nest. They eventually found her lifeless body on the village road. The queen bird was distraught and saddened by the loss of one of her flock.

The moral of this story is that greed can lead to one's downfall. The young bird became greedy and thought only of herself, disregarding the well-being of the flock. Her greed ultimately led to her demise. The flock learned a valuable lesson from this tragedy and vowed to always work together and share their resources equally.


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