Madku's Revenge: A Story of Frogs and Serpents

Madku's Revenge: A Story of Frogs and Serpents

Frogs and Serpents

Madku, the king of frogs, ruled over his kingdom in a deep, dark well. His loyal subjects and family members lived with him in the same well. However, some of his relatives had their eyes on the throne and created trouble for Madku. They were jealous of his power and wanted to overthrow him.

One day, Madku realized that his relatives were planning a revolt against him. He managed to pacify them by offering them gifts, but deep down, he was unhappy. He wanted to take revenge on them and teach them a lesson they would never forget.

Madku was a smart frog, and he knew that he couldn't do it alone. So he decided to seek the help of a big black serpent, whom he had seen lurking around the well. Madku knew that serpents ate frogs, but he thought of a clever plan.

He went to the serpent and said, "I wish to be your friend."

The serpent was surprised to see Madku coming to him. "But we are born enemies. Serpents eat frogs," he replied.

"I know," said Madku, "but I want to be friends with you. I have a plan that will benefit both of us."

Madku explained his plan to the serpent and told him that he wanted to punish his relatives for revolting against him. "I will take you to the well, and you can eat them all," he said.

The serpent was hesitant at first, but Madku assured him that there was a hole in the wall of the well above the water level where he could rest after eating the frogs.

The serpent agreed to the plan, and Madku took him to the well. He pointed out his enemies one by one, and the serpent ate them all. Soon, all of Madku's enemies were gone.

However, a few days later, the serpent was hungry again. He had eaten all the rebels, including Madku's disloyal minister. The only frogs left in the well were Madku and his family.

"I have nothing to eat except you and your family," said the serpent.

Madku realized his mistake. He should have thought of a better plan. He gathered some courage and said to the serpent, "No problem. I'll visit other wells and ponds and persuade the frogs living there to come to this empty well. Once they are here, you can feast on them with ease."

The serpent was pleased with the idea and agreed to wait. Madku and his wife left the well and went to neighboring wells and ponds. They persuaded the frogs living there to come to the empty well.

Soon, the well was filled with frogs. The serpent ate to his heart's content and rested in the hole in the wall, as promised. Madku and his family watched from a safe distance and hopped away once the serpent was full.

Madku had learned his lesson. He realized that revenge was not the answer. He should have found a better way to deal with his enemies. He had also learned that it's essential to keep your promises, even to your enemies.

From that day on, Madku ruled over his kingdom with wisdom and kindness. He never forgot the lesson he had learned and always looked for peaceful solutions to problems.

The Frog and the Serpent - A Kids Story


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