The Baby Mouse And The Baby Snake

The Baby Mouse and The Baby Snake - A Kids Story

The Baby Mouse And The Baby Snake

The Mouse And The Snake

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a baby mouse and a baby snake. The mouse's mother had given birth to him in a cozy little hole in the ground, while the serpent's mother had laid her eggs in a hole in a tree.

As the baby mouse grew up, his mother was always concerned about his safety. She would tell him, "Do not go near the brook. You might drown, and I do not want to lose you." The baby mouse, being a good and obedient child, followed his mother's advice and never ventured near the brook.

One day, as the baby mouse was playing near his home, he saw the baby snake slithering towards him. The snake had been exploring the forest when he stumbled upon the mouse. The two of them started talking, and before they knew it, they became friends. The baby mouse was fascinated by the snake's shiny skin and the way he moved, while the baby snake was amused by the mouse's tiny paws and whiskers.

They played together for a while, and when they were done, they went back to their homes. The baby mouse's mother noticed that his hair was wet and asked him about it. The baby mouse told her about his new friend and how they had played near the brook. His mother became worried and scolded him, "I have warned you about the dangers of the brook. And now you have made friends with a snake? They are our natural enemies. They will eat us if they get the chance. Promise me you will never play with the snake again." The baby mouse promised to obey his mother and never play with the snake again.

The baby snake had a similar experience when he went home. His mother noticed that he had some hair in his mouth and asked him about it. The baby snake told her about his new friend and how they had played together. His mother was furious and scolded him, "What an idiot! We eat mice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And you made friends with one? Tomorrow, when you meet him, you must inject him with your venom and bring him to me. I want to eat him for dinner." The baby snake was frightened, but he promised to do as his mother had instructed.

The next day, the baby snake went to the spot where he had met the baby mouse the day before. He called out to his friend, "Hey, my friend, come out and play." The baby mouse heard his voice but remembered his mother's warning. He replied, "I cannot come near you. My mother has warned me that you are not my friend but my enemy. You want to kill me and eat me. I do not want to be your dinner. I am sorry, but we cannot be friends anymore." The baby snake was disappointed and went back to his mother's hole. He told her what had happened, and she was angry. She scolded him, "You are a failure as a serpent. You cannot even catch a tiny mouse. I will have to go out and find our dinner myself."

From that day on, the baby mouse and the baby snake avoided each other. They had learned a valuable lesson that they should never forget. The mouse's mother was happy that her son had listened to her advice and stayed safe. The serpent's mother was disappointed that her son had failed to catch a meal, but she was proud of him for trying. And so, life went on in the forest, with each animal playing their role and following their instincts.


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